Hangout With the lang cat’s Mark Polson on Platform Pricing, CIPs And The Pie Of Destiny


I recently connected to  platform Guru Mark Polson of the langcat, to discuss the latest  Langcat’s Platform Pricing Guide,  Centralised Investment Propositions and the Pie of Destiny – don’t worry about the latter, it’s to do with who’s getting paid what in the value chain – platforms, advisers, DFMs etc.

If you are yet to get your copy of the lang cat’s Platform Guide, go NOW!

 I asked  Mark what the Platform Pricing Guide tells us (but more importantly what it doesn’t tell us) about how platform pricing is changing.  Are platforms locked in a race to the bottom?

According a recent While Paper by Altus, effective yield on platform AUA has already halved (from 80bps to 40bps)  between 2006-2011 and looks set to fall further still as price competition intensifies. How much further will platform pricing fall or it is just about where it needs to be now?

How much of a concerned is profitability and sustainable of platforms, given that many haven’t made profits, yet they are reducing their charges regardless?

What does all these tell us about what advisers should be thinking in their platform due diligence?





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If you have any questions for Mark, just send it to me on Twitter @AbrahamOnMoney 

Connect with me on  my Google+ profile or watch via  AdviserHangout YouTube Channel or just follow me on Twitter @AbrahamOnMoney for the link to watch the On Air broadcast.






Abraham Okusanya
Abraham is the founder of FinalytiQ, a research consultancy for platforms, asset managers, and advisory firms. Recognised as one of the country’s leading experts in retirement income, platforms and investment propositions, Abraham has authored several papers on these subjects and delivered talks to the Personal Finance Society, The FCA and several conferences across the country.

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